
Common Questions

What is Medical Marijuana used for?
There is unlimited uses for Medical Marijuana. The most common use is for pain and anxiety.

Please visit our Benefits page for more details on common uses we see from our customers and clients.
What are the health risks of using marijuana?
Further study is needed to answer this question, but possible side effects of medical marijuana may include: Increased heart rate. Dizziness. Impaired concentration and memory.

There is no study showing any permanent long term effects.
Is this legal?
Medical marijuana has been legal in the state of Arizona since 2010 when voters approved Proposition 203 to enact the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act (AMMA.) The act assigns the Arizona Department of Health Services (AZDHS) with the responsibility of regulating medical marijuana in the state.

AZ Infusions holds legitimate dispensary certifications and documentations to be able to provide this service.

Other Questions

Can Medical Marijuana help with seizure disorders?
Absolutely! Although not all patients are fortunate enough to benefit from Medical Marijuana.This will depend on the user and other factors regarding their condition.
Has the FDA approved Medical Marijuana?
The FDA understands that there is increasing interest in the potential utility of cannabis for a variety of medical conditions, as well as research on the potential adverse health effects from use of cannabis.
The FDA has approved a cannabis-derived drug product: Epidiolex (cannabidiol), and three synthetic cannabis-related drug products: Marinol (dronabinol), Syndros (dronabinol), and Cesamet (nabilone).

Read the full article here.
Is it possible to “overdose” or have a “bad reaction” to marijuana?
Despite rhetoric from one side or another, one thing remains an objective reality: overdosing on marijuana alone is unlikely, if not entirely impossible. Unlike other drugs that are notorious for binding to areas of the brain that control vital functions like breathing, marijuana mostly affects memory and coordination.

Read an article regarding "Marijuana Overdose's" here.

You've Got Questions,
We've Got Answers.

We are active with our customers and want to ensure all questions are answered. Please note our team are not doctors and are not able to provide medical advice. We will answers your questions to be best of our ability and provide proof and references where we can.

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